


嘉華建材一直於內地扮演著投資先鋒者的角色,致力推行 「採石取材,建家興國」 的理念。環保及可持續發展已成為全球趨勢,我們於日常運作中全面實踐該等概念,並不斷提升我們於環保及社會公民責任方面的表現,以配合可持續發展的目標。



  • 水泥 12,000,000+
  • 礦渣微粉 13,000,000+
  • 碎石 15,000,000+
  • 瀝青 400,000
  • 環保磚 50,000,000+
  • 預拌混凝土 3,900,000 立方米
  • 預製混凝土管樁 1,000,000
  • 預製混凝土管筒 120,000


Tender Notice

Sealed tenders are invited from qualified contractors and concrete batching plant equipment suppliers for a Concrete Batching Plant (CBP) located at DD77, Lot 153, Ping Che, New Territories.

Eligibility Criteria:

Equipment List:
Equipment and services for a concrete batching production line with hourly production rate of not less than 120m³ as follows:

Tender Documents:

To request for tender form, please submit company profile, past work experience, and relevant references to kwctender@kwcml.com.

Submission Deadline:

Completed tender documents should be submitted in sealed envelopes marked “Tender for CBP Ping Che” and placed in the tender box located at Suite No. 912, 9/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, between 9am and 6pm, no later than 28 March 2025.

For further details, please contact Mr Kong at +852 2359 2802 or email to kwctender@kwcml.com.

K. Wah Concrete Co., Ltd.